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1  Consumerism / Consumerism / What do you mean by consumerism? on: September 21, 2006, 09:11:14 PM
I am sure many of us know about consumerism, but what exactly is consumerism?

Let us refer to dictionary the meaning of consumer : "One that consumes, especially one that acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing."

So, do you know what is consumerism (consumer + ism) Laugh Huh Consumerism actually means that a movement / an act seeking to protect and inform consumers by requiring such practices as honest packaging and advertising, product guarantees, and improved safety standards. Police

Now, you must be wondering why I mentioned all these? Well, the most important message is that everybody must realize that consumers are protected by certain laws. If you have bought an expired product, don't be hesitate to return your goods to the dealer.

This ideology came into full focus in the 1960's after President John F. Kennedy introduced the Consumer Bill of Rights, which stated that the consuming public has a right to be safe, to be informed, to choose, and to be heard.

Everyone is welcomed here to discuss about anything related to consumer. Smiley
2  SFI Outpost / News / Malacca State Red Crescent Marching Competition on: July 21, 2006, 11:15:28 PM
On the 15th July 2006, Red Crescent Society from St. Francis' Institution organised the Malacca State Red Crescent Marching Competition. Our school was the host for this competiton. This competition was held from 8.00a.m. till 1.00p.m. 2 teams from our school participated in this competition. Cheesy

This competition was divided into 2 categories :
a) boy category
b) girl category

For the boy category, one team from our school led by Ong Tzong Meng managed to emerged as the winner. Cool Grin The marchers from the winner team are :
1. Ong Tzong Meng
2. Tang Hou Ket
3. Daniel Cho
4. Ong Teck Peng
5. Ham Chi Lim
6. Syed Agil

"Skuad, dari depan cepat jalan!!"

For the girl category, the team from IJC won the first place.

All the marchers in their 'ready' position

"Congratulation to the winner team !!" Wink
3  Miscellaneous / Fan Fiction / What is a fan fiction ?? on: July 19, 2006, 09:50:45 PM
"What is a fan fiction?"  Huh I am sure that's the first question most people will ask when they see it.

Well, fan fiction is a fiction written about the characters of films, novels, television shows, or other media works, by those who enjoy those works. Now, you have the chance to write your fanfic and post it here to share with us. Don't worry if you make a mistake in it, "it's never too late to mend".

So, what are you waiting for? Come now and post your own fanfic here !  Grin

Thank you.
4  SFI Outpost / Announcement / Moderators on: July 17, 2006, 10:02:22 PM
Starting from now, there will be some moderators moderating the forum. Police
Moderators will help to lessen the webmaster's burden in maintaining the forum.

Thank you.
5  SFI Outpost / Announcement / Forum Maintenance Cleanup on: July 16, 2006, 03:01:55 PM
Some of the old topics have been moved to the Archives section while a few others have been deleted. It's just a forum maintenance cleanup so if your post has disappeared, it could be in the Archives section, otherwise it has been deleted.

Thank you. Smiley
6  SFI Outpost / News / Mr.Ngoh's Retirement on: July 01, 2006, 09:14:52 PM
One of the S.F.I. teacher, Mr. Ngoh Tee Boon retired on the 23rd of June 2006. Mr. Ngoh retired on that day after teaching in St. Francis for many years. Roll Eyes

Happy Retiring !

"Thank you, Mr.Ngoh" Grin
7  SFI Network / General Discussion / Re: Motorsport Enthusiasts on: June 30, 2006, 10:06:53 PM
I see.... your motorsport thingy is also like inital-D? Also at night? like those initial D racers who race at night? lol.. Cool haha....

Is it like Go-Kart? sit on small vehicle....? Huh
8  SFI Network / General Discussion / Re: Motorsport Enthusiasts on: June 17, 2006, 02:13:53 PM
Hi, just to post something here since nobody reply.... Roll Eyes

I think many franciscans are interested in anime. Are you interested in anime?

Anyway, thanks for trying to make this forum alive.
9  SFI Network / Debate Zone / Way to go Franciscan! on: June 08, 2006, 02:12:18 PM
It seems that franciscans like debating. This new board here is to encourage all of the franciscan out there to join in this debating forum.. Grin

But remember
1. Do not use vulgar words. Angry
2. Do not offend others. Sad
3. Do not spam. Police
4. Try not to go off topic.... Laugh
5. Please give points that are relevant to the topic in debate. Wink

Hope this board will be used by those who are interested in debate.
P.S. Please use only English. "Marks will be deducted if debate in other languages" (just joking)
10  Archives / Locker / Re: Quiet on: June 02, 2006, 11:45:53 AM
...The idiot who started this forum also never use brain.Cannot start other better and interesting topics....
If this thread was started by an idiot, then why are you replying in this thread? Please mind your words when you’re posting.

....Im writting here to just ask u sad bunch to stop posting all this naging and talk sumthing fun....
Nobody ask you to post here to tell others to post things that are only fun.

To 5H_(2005)_FOREVER****
Can't you show good example to the juniors and not condemn them? We are all Franciscan and they are all just like your brother, can't you guide them rather than condemn them?

I hope I won't receive any complain about you anymore.

To those 5H who boast about their SPM result
We know that you achieved the best SPM result. Don't try to blow your own trumpet. Remember, intelligence is not everything. Attitude is also important. When you try to condemn the juniors for nothing, you are indirectly telling us that you do not have a good attitude.

I am not trying to say that you are bad, but please don't condemn others for nothing. This is a public web forum, so think before insulting others.

Please do not insult other members in the forum.

Thanks for your cooperation.

This thread will be locked for now.
11  SFI Outpost / News / Launching of "SFI Love Story" on: April 02, 2006, 12:12:22 AM
On the 31st of March 2006, "SFI Love Story" was launched at St. Francis' Institution. Many distinguished guests and ex-franciscans were invited to attend the ceremony. This book was written by James Cherian Tansen.

The banner of "SFI Love Story"

Rev. Brother Visitor Peter Foo, FSC was invited to officiate the ceremony by cutting the ribbon.

Ribbon cutting by Rev. Brother Visitor Peter Foo, FSC

After the ceremony, the guests were invited to some refreshment. Everyone who bought the book on that day was able to get an autograph from the author of the book, James Cherian Tansen.

Getting autograph from the author !! Grin
12  SFI Outpost / News / SPM Result !! on: March 14, 2006, 09:17:12 PM
Hooray !! Laugh

24 students from S.M.K. St. Francis Institution achieved straight A's for SPM 2005 ! This is the best result our school has ever achieved for SPM.

Teo Wee Shen, one of the students achieved 14 A1 and he is the top scorer in Melaka state Cool
13  SFI Outpost / News / The Result of Aquatic Competition MSSM Level. on: March 04, 2006, 09:08:01 PM
S.R.K. St. Francis had organised an Aquatic Competition MSSM level. It was held on the 12th to 14th February 2006 and S.M.K. St. Francis had participated in this competition and won a total of 65 medals.

The group of participants who won medals.

One of the swimmer, Sung Jun Hao acknowledged as one of the top swimmer had won a total of 16 medals consisting of 11 gold medals and 5 silver medals. He broke a total of 7 records. This is the first MSSM competition which our school had won the most medals.

Our school top swimmer, Sung Jun Hao.

Our school receiving trophy!!
14  SFI Outpost / Announcement / Valid Email on: February 17, 2006, 03:33:17 PM
When you register your account, please use a valid email as the account registration process required a valid email in order to activate your account.

Thank you.
15  Archives / Locker / Re: Quiet on: February 16, 2006, 04:37:02 PM
Thanks for the compliment. Yeah, I agreed there are so many Franciscans out there but not many participate in this forum... actually, i found out the reason behind this. It's not that I didn't advertise, it's just that when I told other franciscans about this forum, they will....

FIRST : they will ignore me as though i am joking. Cry
SECOND : they will just condemn this forum.
THIRD : they do not know the school website url.
FOURTH : they don't even know what a forum is.
FIFTH : they said no time.
SIXTH: they said that this forum has few members.
SEVENTH : they said this forum won't last.
EIGHTH : not interested in the forum.

As a franciscan, I suppose it is not too much just to drop by here and post something or just check out new post. Anyway, hope this forum will grow...... Roll Eyes
Pages: [1] 2
April 01, 2008, 04:30:03 PM X-DRAGONz - hi visit my FROUm - http://forum.angnetwork.info/
January 18, 2008, 12:23:30 AM loohan - Happy (Chinese) New Year to all Franciscans!!
November 30, 2007, 07:30:39 PM X-DRAGONz - anyone wan ply my r.o private server?
May 29, 2007, 10:43:27 AM Zeta - zzzzz.....
February 16, 2007, 09:53:45 PM alexander - Yo!Happy CNY to all franciscans! May pig year brings luck and prosperity to all of u!
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