Basically, CONSUMERISM is defined as a consumption or an act of using, buying, etc things or services.
Our survey results, interviews with experts, and shopping trips to all sorts of stores yielded dozens of tips that will save you time and money, and inoculate you against store tactics that can trick you into buying more than you need.
For one thing, you can look beyond old-style supermarkets to a new shopping landscape with more competition and more ways to shop.
Whatever store you choose, if you know how to work the system, you can shop smarter, cheaper, and faster.
The Bush administration has been pushing ethanol as a renewable, homegrown alternative to gasoline. Now, the auto industry is abuzz with the promise of its flexible-fuel vehicles (FFVs), which are designed to run on either gasoline or the blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline called E85.
...referring to the corn from which most U.S. ethanol is made.
A recent Harris Interactive study of vehicle owners found that more than half were interested in purchasing an FFV, mostly for reduced dependency on petroleum and improved fuel economy.
But after putting a 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe FFV through an array of fuel economy, acceleration, and emissions tests, and interviewing more than 50 experts on ethanol fuel, CR determined that E85 will cost consumers more money than gasoline and that there are concerns about whether the government’s support of FFVs is really helping the U.S. achieve energy independence.
...James Cannon, president of Energy Futures, an alternative-transportation publication
“But not as bad as some of the emissions from gasoline”
You don’t have to buy special shoes to stay fit and burn calories by walking for exercise. But some high-scoring walking shoes we tested will cushion your feet while letting them flex properly.
You don’t have to buy special shoes to stay fit and burn calories by walking for exercise. But some high-scoring walking shoes we tested will cushion your feet while letting them flex properly.
Part of the cushioning in a walking shoe comes from the squishy material in the midsole. Part also comes from your foot’s ability to roll inward and thus reduce the impact on bones and joints. A shoe that combines both kinds of cushioning while providing adequate stability is, well, a step ahead of shoes that don’t. If the shoe is also lightweight, flexible and breathable, so much the better.