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1  Consumerism / Consumerism / Re: What do i do if i feel i was cheated? on: October 01, 2006, 04:29:46 PM
The best thing to do is seek the help from the government. This is a serious matter as the fate of our community greatly depends on our action. We cannot let this unscrupulous producers (or maybe not) get away this easily. As a well educated members of the society we must work together to solve problems relating cosumerism. Of course the government have the strongest power and they must enforce and tighten the law to prevent all this consumerism problem from happening.
2  Consumerism / Consumerism / Re: What do you mean by consumerism? on: October 01, 2006, 04:21:06 PM
A good statement. Nonetheless, consumers today are faced with many problems such as unreliable products, unreaonable price as well as misleading and inaccurate information about the products. Consumers are entitled to have the right to choose and the right to voice his grouses. The producer must pay back or give compensation for the loss. Consumers should also access to consumer education to create a consumer conscious society.
3  Consumerism / Consumerism / Re: What do our students want? on: September 30, 2006, 12:36:07 PM
In today affluent society, students have more money than they should have. In reality, most students went shopping mall just merely to spend money on buying cell phones, magazines and even video games or PS 2 games. It is extremely dissapointing as students are spending unnecessary stuff. I know a friend who bought a nokia phone for RM1300 but sold it of at RM 600 in a week later just to change to a new phone. Imagine what RM 700 could do if he never spend it recklessly. That RM 700 could be used for donation and charity work for the benefits of mankind. Students n Malaysian, heed this, in a couple of decades the rate of inflation is going up high beyond the recognition of mankind. At that tme the price of everything can exceed 100% of its original price. We must embrace ourself with the knowledge of consumerism not only for our benefits as well as our future generation.
Be a wise buyer and user. Think before you buy. Thank you.
4  Consumerism / Consumerism / Re: What do i do if i feel i was cheated? on: September 28, 2006, 02:18:14 PM
 First I will report this incident to the government. Next I am going to employ the best lawyer in the country. I am going to make sure my lawyer sue that guy until he/she beg me to let him/her go. I will let him go all right, PROVIDED he promised to repent and pay for all my compensation.
5  Consumerism / Consumerism / Re: What do you mean by consumerism? on: September 28, 2006, 02:11:40 PM
In this modern era, consumerism had been a common word among mankind. As technology progresses and flourish, man now himself must equip himself with knowledge regarding consumerism. Indeed there some imbecille being had been operating and conning uneducated people. Nevertheless, consumerism can protect us from being conned for sure. Consumerism means the knowledge of one can use to defend himself from being tricked as well as being conservative and preservative in spending their money. For the benefits of mankind, we must equip ourself with the knowledge of consumerism.
Pages: [1]
April 01, 2008, 04:30:03 PM X-DRAGONz - hi visit my FROUm - http://forum.angnetwork.info/
January 18, 2008, 12:23:30 AM loohan - Happy (Chinese) New Year to all Franciscans!!
November 30, 2007, 07:30:39 PM X-DRAGONz - anyone wan ply my r.o private server?
May 29, 2007, 10:43:27 AM Zeta - zzzzz.....
February 16, 2007, 09:53:45 PM alexander - Yo!Happy CNY to all franciscans! May pig year brings luck and prosperity to all of u!
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